Requested translations Requested translations Search Source language English, Turkish Target language Kurdish en Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:01:59 +0000 Translation 150 150 Cucumis is a web-site where you can submit texts to be translated by the community Not dead ? ! ? - English - Kurdish A backend update for cucumis ! Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters. First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago). Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashe ... Mon, 15 Apr 2019 17:25:32 +0000 Uzun zamandır yoktun ve ben seni sensiz yaşadım.... - Turkish - Kurdish Uzun zamandır yoktun ve ben seni sensiz yaşadım. Çok özledim seni yokluğunda hep susuz kaldım. Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:43:00 +0000 .Dünyada iki kelimeyle cenneti, küçük bir... - Turkish - Kurdish Dünyada iki kelimeyle cenneti, küçük bir kırgınlıkla cehennemi yaşatır. Ama ne kadar küs olsan da, kızgın olsanda, onun var oldugunu, senin oldugunu bildigin sürece en mutlu sensindir. Sadece gururun bu gerçegi o anlarda saklar, ama bu hep böyledir. Mon, 06 Jan 2014 17:12:46 +0000 ilaçlanma - Turkish - Kurdish Evet vardır; yapılan araştırmalara göre ülkemizde kişi başına kullanılan ilaç miktarı Avrupa ortalamasının iki katı kadardır. Bu durum ülkemizde ilaç kullanımıyla ilgili ciddi israfın ve gereksiz yanlış kullanımın olduğunu ... Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:08:00 +0000 Doğum günün kutlu olsun.Nice mutlu senelere.Hep... - Turkish - Kurdish Doğum günün kutlu olsun.Nice mutlu senelere.Hep arkadaşlarınla, ailenle mutlu olman dileğiyle ... Tue, 20 Aug 2013 00:32:38 +0000 allah rahatlık versin iyi geceler öptüm - Turkish - Kurdish allah rahatlık versin iyi geceler öptüm Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:15:54 +0000 Dünyada hiçbir şeye minnet etme, özgürlüğünü... - Turkish - Kurdish Dünyada hiçbir şeye minnet etme, özgürlüğünü ancak bu şekilde koruyabilirsin. Sat, 22 Jun 2013 00:41:16 +0000 Kürt dili; Hint-Avrupa dil grubunun aryan... - Turkish - Kurdish Kürt dili; Hint-Avrupa dil grubunun aryan kolundadır.Her ne kadar Kürtçe İrani diller ailesinin kuzeybatı grubu içinde yer alıyorsa da, o kesin hatları ile Farsça'dan tamamen bağımsız bir dildir.Kürt dili Kürdistan diye adlandırılan bölgenin yayg ... Tue, 04 Jun 2013 15:40:59 +0000 Kürtce ceviri....lütfen yardim..... - Turkish - Kurdish Degerli arkadaslar Dügün davetiyemi kürtce bastirmak istiyorum. Bu sebepden dolayi bana asagidaki cümleyi kürtceye ayni anlamda cevire bilirmisiniz? - Evliliğe götüren bu önemli günümüzde mutluluğumuzu sizinle paylaşmayı diliyoruz. Tue, 05 Mar 2013 23:13:11 +0000 Too late for the happy new year... - English - Kurdish Well... Too late for the happy new year, I'm busy with my current job, but you're still in my mind, [b]dear friends and colleagues of[/b] :1: ;) [userid=91733] and [userid=21837] are still taking care of the administration, and they are now assisted by [userid=21383], [userid=76309] and [userid=1 ... Mon, 23 May 2011 11:14:50 +0000 reason for your administrator request - English - Kurdish Please state the reason for your administrator request if it is not already clear from notes below the text. Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:02:44 +0000 comment to explain your rejection - English - Kurdish If you leave no comment to explain your rejection of this translation, your vote may be ignored. Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:02:28 +0000 Native language - English - Kurdish «%l» is my native language or a language I can speak fluently. I'm aware that the person who asked for this translation, wishes it is of high quality and done by a fluent speaker. Wed, 20 Oct 2010 17:35:18 +0000 Translations-non-english-accelerated - English - Kurdish English can be used as a transition language. The translations between 2 non-english languages may be accelerated a lot if you add the english as a target language. Wed, 20 Oct 2010 17:34:19 +0000 Automatically-translation-administrator. - English - Kurdish This is the list of the number of characters needed to translate an English text of 100 characters to each language. These values determine the cost (number of points) of each text submitted. The values are automatically improved and upgraded each time a translation is accepted by an Expert or an Ad ... Wed, 20 Oct 2010 17:32:20 +0000 Position-import-remaining - English - Kurdish The file is too big, start from position %p to import the remaining part of the file. Sat, 13 Sep 2008 12:42:59 +0000 Responsibilities.-participation-translation - English - Kurdish They have additional rights but also additional responsibilities. Without their participation, no translation can be validated, that's why they are rewarded with bonus points. Sat, 13 Sep 2008 12:32:23 +0000 Characters-plausible-translation - English - Kurdish Before accepting a translation, check that there aren't any comments or multiple translation choices in the main translation as it would corrupt the [1]ratio between the numbers of characters by language[/1]. If needed, edit and move the comments or the less plausible translation choices into the " ... Sat, 10 Jun 2006 21:38:28 +0000 Translation-punctuation-uppercases - English - Kurdish The translation must follow the punctuation, the uppercases and lowercases of the original text. For example if there is no point at the end of the sentences of the original text, there must not be a point in the translated text. Sat, 10 Jun 2006 21:38:28 +0000 Translation-interrogation-exclamation - English - Kurdish The translation must take into account the specific rules of the target language. For example in Spanish the reverse interrogation or exclamation point comes before the sentence, in Japanese the sentences end with "。" ( not with "." ) and there is no space before the next sentence, etc... Sat, 10 Jun 2006 21:38:28 +0000